Welcome to Los Mundos de Yupi.

Here it's always spring! It's the kind of place that when something goes wrong, you don't need to fix it, you just change it. Our inhabitants live completely oblivious to reality, or escaping from it?

A flower blossoms, and gives off all of its beautiful aroma, which can be smelt for miles and miles away. There are mushrooms ranging from all different sizes and colours! The hills rise and fall, dancing to different rhythms, the stones are multi-coloured and taste like Jelly Beans

- It seems like I'm walking through the clouds! -

Here in Los Mundos de Yupi, there is no pain, no suffering, no injustice, no anguish, no loneliness. You always live in love.

- Be careful! A storm is coming!- It seems like Spring's got angry...

- Don't worry, let yourself be whisked away by the breeze. -

Everything there happens beautifully and effortlessly, anything is possible, everything is perfect, but there is only one small problem...

Waking up!

Editorial created for Wag Magazine

Creative direction

Lucía Cordero and Alex Terrón

Lucía Cordero, Alex Terrón and Yime

Lucía Cordero and Alex Terrón

Post production
Lucía Cordero and Alex Terrón

Lucía Cordero, Alex Terrón and Yime

3D artist
Paula Salcés